Clinical Pearls

Episode #24: Plantar Heel Pain with Dr Glen Whittaker

Dion Kapnias

Today I spoke with Dr Glen Whittaker on the topic of Plantar Heel Pain (PHP)! Glen is a podiatrist by trade, as well as being a researcher and Senior Lecturer at La Trobe University in Melbourne. He has a keen interest in heel pain, and completed his PhD in 2019 looking at corticosteroid injections vs orthotics for PHP. He has so much experience in this area which shone through in our conversation - I definitely learnt a lot from him today!

We speak about the causes and pathophysiology of PHP,  if the terminology we use to define it is important (ie. plantar fasciitis vs PHP etc), the effectiveness of orthotics vs shockwave vs stretching and so on, and much more. 

I hope you enjoy ! 

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