Clinical Pearls
The podcast for newly graduated physios and students. Clinical Pearls collaborates with experts in the world of physiotherapy to deliver key tips and tricks on a variety of topics. The show is hosted by Dion Kapnias. Keep up to date and see infographics on Instagram via @clinical.pearls. Episodes released fortnightly on Sundays. Proudly sponsored by Learn.Physio.
Podcasting since 2022 • 85 episodes
Clinical Pearls
Latest Episodes
Episode #35: Rectus Femoris Case Studies, Latest Research and Opportunities with Rees Thomas
Today I spoke to Rees Thomas at Victoria University in Melbourne about some of his work as part of his PhD on Rectus Femoris Injuries, interesting case studies and much moreRees works clinically and at Victoria University, where he is a ...

Episode #34 : Rectus Femoris Injuries with Rees Thomas
Today I spoke to Rees Thomas at Victoria University in Melbourne all about Rectus Femoris Injuries ! We speak about the epidemiology of rec fem injuries, the role of kicking in risk but also rehabilitation, when to image, diagnosing...

Episode #33: Pre + Post Partum Exercise and Sport with Rosie Purdue
Today I spoke with Rosie Purdue at her clinic, Hatched House, in Melbourne! Rosie is one of only a few physiotherapists in Australia with post-graduate qualifications in Pelvic Floor & Continence Physiotherapy and Sports Medici...

Learn.Physio Live Q+A #4: Calf Injuries with Dr. Brady Green
Hey everyone, enjoy this Live Q+A I did for Learn.Physio on Calf Injuries with Dr. Brady Green!Make sure you visit www.learn.physio to access the full 2 hr + Masterclass featuring Brady and Dr Brooke Patterson - there are so many practi...

Learn.Physio Live Q+A #3: Hand and Wrist with Dr Ian Gatt
Hi everyone, enjoy this Live Q+A I did for Learn.Physio on Hand and Wrist Injuries with Dr. Ian Gatt!Make sure you visit www.learn.physio to access the full 2 hr + Masterclass that Ian created - there are so many practical takeaways, an...