Clinical Pearls
The podcast for newly graduated physios and students. Clinical Pearls collaborates with experts in the world of physiotherapy to deliver key tips and tricks on a variety of topics. The show is hosted by Dion Kapnias. Keep up to date and see infographics on Instagram via @clinical.pearls. Episodes released fortnightly on Sundays. Proudly sponsored by Learn.Physio.
Clinical Pearls
Episode #25: Maximising Neuromuscular Performance with Dr Myles Murphy
Today I spoke with Dr Myles Murphy; he's a post-doctoral physio and researcher based out of Western Australia at Edith Cowan University. Myles’ research involves investigating the drivers of pain and impairment in people with lower-limb musculoskeletal injury and disability as well as looking at new ways to address these impairments.
We speak about the reasons for reduced neuromuscular drive including pain inhibition and cortical inhibition, why people don't get better, how we can maximise neuromuscular activation, and much more.
This was a super interesting topic to discuss and I'm sure you'll get plenty out of it!
Myles' university profile: https://www.ecu.edu.au/schools/medical-and-health-sciences/our-staff/profiles/post-doctoral-research-fellows/dr-myles-murphy
Myles' Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/myles-murphy-b87982134?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egoogle%2Ecom%2F&originalSubdomain=au
'Tendon neuroplastic training' paper: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/bjsports/50/4/209.full.pdf
University of Delaware resources from Dr Lynn Synder-Mackler: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Lynn-Snyder-Mackler-15681863
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