Clinical Pearls

Episode #26: Posterolateral Corner Instability with A/Prof Tim Lording

Dion Kapnias

Today I set out early to Melbourne Orthopaedic Group (MOG) to interview A/Prof Tim Lording about Posterolateral Corner Instability! Tim was super generous with his time and it was fantastic to learn from him. 

Tim is a well renowned orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in knees. He has trained locally as well as internationally in both France and Canada. Aside from his clinical work, Tim has also published over twenty research articles and many book chapters on knee surgery, including a consensus statement on Posterolateral Corner Instability. He has also presented at numerous international meetings and conferences. 

We speak about important subjective information to gather, the role of imaging and other objective testing, when surgery is indicated vs when conservative treatment is appropriate, and much more. 

It's a fascinating topic and I learnt so much from today. I hope you take away plenty of pearls !

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